Northern Adult Riding Club
Rallies are held on the last Sunday of the month. Our club grounds are on the corner of Veterans Row and Suburb Rd at Westbury (see Location Page). Other venues are used from time to time.
The objective of the club is to provide the opportunity for adults to improve their equestrian skills in a fun and friendly environment with quality instruction at a minimal price.
Full details of upcoming activities and events can be found in our current Newsletter.
All Disciplines
Disciplines covered include -
Hacking and trail riding
Special activities ranging from drill riding, pilates for riders, and weekend camps
Social Functions and Special Events
Each season, social functions, combined training days, gymkhanas and other special events are decided upon, in response to member feedback and have, in the past, included -
Trail rides
Navigation rides
Poker runs
Natural horsemanship clinics
Working bees
AGM and awards nights
Christmas get-togethers
Special classes at local agricultural shows
Dressage Tests
You can download the full range of Equestrian Australia Dressage tests from the National EA web site.
Tests we are currently using are detailed here - Dressage Tests
An approved SAA helmet (AS/NZ3838) and proper riding boots are a must at all NARC events.